BONUS VIDEO: Discover The Hidden Truth Behind What Has Saved My Life, Made Me a Fortune, & Helped Me Reinvent Myself ..

BONUS VIDEO: Discover The Hidden Truth Behind What Has Saved My Life, Made Me a Fortune, & Helped Me Reinvent Myself ..

+ Learn How Others I've Shown This To Are Using The Same Strategies To Get More Out Of Life Than They Ever Imagined

Click the button below to secure your 90% discount (PLUS Get $794 Worth Of Bonuses)

"The Wiseguy's Guide Holds The Keys To Why I'm Still Alive Today And How I've Been Able To 'Reinvent' Myself"

Hi, I'm Michael Franzese..

For the past 25 years, I’ve traveled around the world speaking at corporate leadership events, churches & prison ministries, and to professional sports teams. I’ve also launched multiple successful businesses and have helped close deals that have brought in millions of dollars.

Fortunately, NOW the stakes aren’t nearly as high as they once were.

It took me decades of trial and error, many times through life and death situations to master the skills that took me to levels of success I never imagined.

And it wasn’t by reading textbooks or learning gimmicky tactics.

I had to hone my skills in the dirty, dangerous underbelly of organized crime.

…not the place you’d expect to learn such valuable life lessons, but that’s exactly why so many people overlook the secret skills and strategies hidden in the mafia that make it such a powerful organization.

Sometimes, the biggest transformations come from looking in places nobody else will.

Truth is, the life you want is only one critical decision away.

This decision will be one of the most significant, yet challenging choices you’ll make in your entire life.

Like when I walked away from the mob after generating up to $8 million dollars per week - an achievement that earned me the #18 spot on Fortune Magazine’s list of the top 50 most wealthy and powerful mafia bosses.

You don’t need to be a gangster or mafia soldier to use the strategies I'm talking about…

But you do need to step up and refuse to be a victim. You also have to be ready and willing to use what I show you for good - to not only benefit yourself, but others as well.

Because the truth is, these strategies can be used in the wrong way. After all, that’s why the mafia and organized crime all across the world have learned to use them - because they work.

Whether you’re trying to get a promotion and make more money, start a business, improve your relationships with your spouse and coworkers, or trying to learn life skills to help you succeed in all areas. You’re going to learn universal principles that will help you in every domain.

I know what it's like to have the odds stacked against you & to feel backed into a corner with little hope of getting out of a grim situation...

When I publicly walked away from the mafia, people counted me out and said I was a "dead man walking"... that there was no chance on earth that I would be able to turn my life around - let alone become all around successful.

It wasn't easy.. but I made it happen!

And now I want to share all that I've learned along the way so you can avoid many of the pitfalls I faced and stand courageously in the face of adversity with confidence, knowing that nothing can get in your way of creating the life you want for yourself.

So here's what I've done...

I've taken all those years of failure, success, wisdom, knowledge, and insight and developed a 3-phase video-based training program and workshop bundle called the Wiseguy's Guide to Getting What You Want.

This transformational program is the result of the lessons that I've mastered on my journey to creating success in all areas of life: personal, professional, and physical.

Once you join me inside the training, I'll guide you along the way to transforming every aspect of your life just as I did... so you always come out on top no matter what life throws at you.

Grab the Wiseguy's Guide today by clicking the button below...

Here's What You'll Get Instant Access To

When You Order Today:

  • 90% Off: The Wiseguy's Guide to Getting What You Want........ ($497 Value) - This isn't just a video course on negotiation. This is a step-by-step program designed to help you transform your life and take control of your destiny.

  • BONUS #1: Wiseguy Prep Guide ($37 Value) - The masters of negotiation know how to prepare. This short guide will help you draw out a crystal-clear plan for getting what you want.

  • BONUS #2: I’LL MAKE YOU AN OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE - Digital ($16 Value) - My life's work. In this book I go over lessons that I’ve learned and give real-life examples for all things business strategy, leadership, and negotiation.

  • BONUS #3: BEHIND-THE-SCENES TAKEAWAYS FROM SITDOWN WITH SAMMY THE BULL GRAVANO ($49 Value) - Never-before-seen footage from my sit-down with Sammy “The Bull” Gravano where I give real insight into my approach in our sitdown.

  • BONUS #4: [DONE-FOR-YOU] SCRIPT BUILDER ($65 Value) - You’ll never be at a loss of words and know exactly what to say. It can be used to… get a better deal on their first home.. land your dream job (or get a raise)… secure business deals... get out of debt… and so much more, there's templates including for many situations.

  • BONUS #5: ACCESS TO MICHAEL FRANZESE’S CREW (Private Community)($204 Value) - All the support you need so don't need to go on this journey to success alone.
  • + UNANNOUNCED (LIMITED-TIME) MEGA BONUS: 9 Exclusive Workshops From Michael's Wiseguy's Guide to Self-Mastery Series ($423 Value)

In-depth videos and guides to guide you in other areas of personal development and business that you want to improve. This is where you'll be able to learn effective strategies and tactical advice to help you grow your Income, Impact, & Influence in the new age.

  • 60 Day 'Keep It All' Money Back Guarantee

We're so confident in this Life-Changing program that if you're not satisfied within 60 days of signing up, we'll refund your money and let you keep the $794 worth of bonuses as a free gift!

Click the button to secure your 90% discount (PLUS Get $794 Worth Of Bonuses)



Negotiated $60,000 More!!

“I sold a house here in Arizona and through the negotiations I was following Michaels teaching and I was successfully able to negotiate an offer on a sale on my house that rendered me 60,000 dollars over my asking price and I didn't have to give an inch on the other side. Thank you Michael!” - Bruce C.


Negotiated $60,000 More!!

“I sold a house here in Arizona and through the negotiations I was following Michaels teaching and I was successfully able to negotiate an offer on a sale on my house that rendered me 60,000 dollars over my asking price and I didn't have to give an inch on the other side. Thank you Michael!” - Bruce C.


Bringing His Dream Business To Life..

"You people are helping bring my DREAM to open and run a comic shop to life. I can not even begin to express how grateful I am for your support!" - James S.


Bringing His Dream Business To Life..

"You people are helping bring my DREAM to open and run a comic shop to life. I can not even begin to express how grateful I am for your support!" - James S.


Overcoming Difficult Situations..

"I really wish that I had a workshop such as this in the past few years. It would have really helped me when I was dealing with some very difficult situations, but I'm so glad to have it now, and I plan on studying it a lot more. I want to thank you for putting this workshop together and sharing your wisdom with everyone." - Jenny C.


Overcoming Difficult Situations..

"I really wish that I had a workshop such as this in the past few years. It would have really helped me when I was dealing with some very difficult situations, but I'm so glad to have it now, and I plan on studying it a lot more. I want to thank you for putting this workshop together and sharing your wisdom with everyone." - Jenny C.


Very Tangible Information..

"You had my attention from the very start. It was just amazing to follow everything and to have everything laid out so well, step by step. The life stories that you shared with us, made it all very concrete and very tangible. Thank you very much for creating this workshop and sharing all your experience and wisdom with us. Thank you." - Sinem C.


Very Tangible Information..

"You had my attention from the very start. It was just amazing to follow everything and to have everything laid out so well, step by step. The life stories that you shared with us, made it all very concrete and very tangible. Thank you very much for creating this workshop and sharing all your experience and wisdom with us. Thank you." - Sinem C.


Such A Great Teacher & Mentor..

“I’ve been in the business world for about 35 years now and for the past 12 years, I’ve been a consultant to Startup companies and I must say Michael has given us an array of tools that are exactly the right tools to be successful. In a delicate art of negotiation. Michael's a great teacher. He's a great mentor and motivator and I highly recommend you not only take Michael's course, but also join his inner circle, believe me. This is the best way to start the coming year. You'll thank me later for it.” - Bill M.


Such A Great Teacher & Mentor..

“I’ve been in the business world for about 35 years now and for the past 12 years, I’ve been a consultant to Startup companies and I must say Michael has given us an array of tools that are exactly the right tools to be successful. In a delicate art of negotiation. Michael's a great teacher. He's a great mentor and motivator and I highly recommend you not only take Michael's course, but also join his inner circle, believe me. This is the best way to start the coming year. You'll thank me later for it.” - Bill M.

The Wiseguy’s Guide is a proven system for learning how to negotiate like your life depends on it and learning practical insights that can be applied throughout your life so you can move toward your biggest goals faster than you ever thought possible.



From feeling unconfident and unprepared to having a rock solid certainty in yourself and your control of the situation.

In this first phase, I focus on the mindset that every successful negotiator must have to succeed.

Negotiation is so much more than just saying the right things at the right time…It’s about true empathy and understanding the other person’s needs, wants, and desires.

It’s also a lot about understanding the things that aren’t being said directly...

So in this first phase, not only do I discuss how to get your own mind in order but also how to get into the mind of the opposing side so you can come in prepared and know who you’re dealing with and how to handle that type of person.


From feeling like an amateur who people take advantage of to becoming a master negotiator who gets what you want and deserve.

This second phase is all about the strategy. This is where you learn the tools and frameworks to help you win.

My big secret strategy is that I focus on letting the other side think they won. So in this portion of the program, I’ll break this down for you piece-by-piece so you come in barrels-loaded and know all the right strings to pull to get to the best outcome for everyone.


From feeling stuck and lost in life to finally having a skillset and vision for how to live a successful and fulfilling life.

This is where it all comes together. I look at Phase 3 of the program as the part where you learn how to bring all the tools and concepts we discussed into situations that can be applied in almost every area of life.

This is also the portion of the program where you’ll learn how to make an offer that they can’t refuse… or at least shouldn’t.

But not only that…

Learning the best strategies for counter-offering on the spot and even knowing when it’s better to just walk away. Timing is everything and that comes from practice and true application of the principles discussed throughout this program.


You’ll be amazed by the way a few effortless changes to how you communicate (aka negotiate) will have a profound impact on your confidence, your career, and even improve your personal relationships...

But more importantly…

You’ll take back control of your life and save both time and money by mastering the one skill that will allow you to live life on YOUR terms.

Along the way, you’ll also learn…

  • How to effectively communicate your side of the deal without coming off desperate or pushy even if you’re a complete beginner & feel nervous under pressure

  • ​Our simple trick to effectively use leverage in negotiations so you don’t ever blow the deal

  • The exact tools and routines I use to enter a negotiation with clarity & confidence...even if you’re more introverted and shy (because all successful negotiators know how to properly prepare)

  • The most common negotiation “fatal flaws” to avoid so you don’t get yourself into a position that you can’t get out of

  • Why you already have the “Magic Key” to getting everything you want in life...and how to use it regardless of how much you've failed in the past

This can change the way you approach every interaction the second you get inside.

Given that… I could have just stopped there and called this training “done”. But I’m serious about helping you achieve the success you desire.

And so I decided to include…




Like I keep saying…

My goal with this program is to give you everything you need to create a completely customized framework for negotiating in a way that works for you.

That’s why we put together this one-page prep guide to help you never enter a negotiation unprepared again.

By the end of this program, it’s very possible that you’ll be so good and familiar with a framework that works for you that you may never need to use this sheet again…

But until you reach that point, this one-pager will help you dive into the mind of the opposing side so you deeply understand what the other party needs, wants, & desires so you can work with them to achieve the desired outcome that works for both of you.



This is my life’s work.

...And because you’re joining my Wiseguy’s Guide program, I want you to have it.

I’ve sold over 500,000 copies of this book world wide and it’s been translated in 13 different languages and I feel like it’s only right if I give this to you as a special bonus when you join me today.

In this book I go over lessons that I’ve learned and give real-life examples for all things business strategy, leadership, and negotiation.

The Wiseguy’s Guide will give you all the tools to come out on top and this is the icing on the cake!


Behind-the-Scenes Takeaways From My Sit Down With Sammy "The Bull" Gravano

As a special gift for joining today, I want to give you never-before-seen footage from my sit-down with Sammy “The Bull” Gravano.

This is the first and only time in history that 2 high-ranking Made men sat down together to discuss things for the public to see…

And let me tell you…

But you know what, we settled our differences and you’ll get to hear all about it.

In these takeaways, you’ll also get to hear about how I prepared, PLUS real insight into my mindset and strategy going into the sit down.

This is a bonus you surely won't want to miss!




With this insanely powerful script builder, you’ll never be at a loss of words and know exactly what to say. It can be used to: get a better deal on their first home, land your dream job (or get a raise), secure business deals, get out of debt, and so much more.



(Private Community)

This community is going to provide you all the support you need to THRIVE. With nearly 20,000 active members, you'll have the opportunity to connect with others on the same path as you so you can collaborate and come up with fresh new ideas as you go through the program material.

As a part of the Crew, you're a part of a movement. You're apart of a community that doesn't take 'No' for an answer and will stop at nothing to make their vision come to life.

The Crew is here to work hard together and learn new skills that will forge a new pathway for an exciting life.



9 Exclusive Workshops From Michael's Wiseguy's Guide to

Self-Mastery Series

In-depth videos and guides of the top resources to guide you in areas of personal development and business that you want to improve.

This is where you'll be able to learn effective strategies and tactical advice to help you grow your Income, Impact, & Influence in the new age from someone that has seen more success than 99% of people in the world.

Normally this Self-Mastery series is only available to my exclusive Inner Circle mentorship members, however you can get instant access to it now when you sign up for the Wiseguy's guide today!




If this doesn’t help you, I don’t want your money.

Try it out for 60 days...put in the work

And if you’re not 10X more confident heading into a negotiation after going through the entire program, I’ll give you your money back… no questions asked.

Sound like a deal?

Here's What You'll Get Instant Access To

When You Order Today:

  • 90% Off: The Wiseguy's Guide to Getting What You Want........ ($497 Value) - This isn't just a video course on negotiation. This is a step-by-step program designed to help you transform your life and take control of your destiny.

  • BONUS #1: Wiseguy Prep Guide ($37 Value) - The masters of negotiation know how to prepare. This short guide will help you draw out a crystal-clear plan for getting what you want.

  • BONUS #2: I’LL MAKE YOU AN OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE - Digital ($16 Value) - My life's work. In this book I go over lessons that I’ve learned and give real-life examples for all things business strategy, leadership, and negotiation.

  • BONUS #3: BEHIND-THE-SCENES TAKEAWAYS FROM SITDOWN WITH SAMMY THE BULL GRAVANO ($49 Value) - Never-before-seen footage from my sit-down with Sammy “The Bull” Gravano where I give real insight into my approach in our sitdown.

  • BONUS #4: [DONE-FOR-YOU] SCRIPT BUILDER ($65 Value) - You’ll never be at a loss of words and know exactly what to say. It can be used to… get a better deal on their first home.. land your dream job (or get a raise)… secure business deals... get out of debt… and so much more, there's templates including for many situations.

  • BONUS #5: ACCESS TO MICHAEL FRANZESE’S CREW (Private Community)($204 Value) - All the support you need so don't need to go on this journey to success alone.
  • + UNANNOUNCED (LIMITED-TIME) MEGA BONUS: 9 Exclusive Workshops From Michael's Wiseguy's Guide to Self-Mastery Series ($423 Value)

In-depth videos and guides to guide you in other areas of personal development and business that you want to improve. This is where you'll be able to learn effective strategies and tactical advice to help you grow your Income, Impact, & Influence in the new age.




“I want to say that I absolutely loved this Workshop. It was incredible and what I found was a lot of parallels to what I do as a teacher and how to go into conferences or meetings with administrators or parents or even negotiating with my students. I love what you said about always being prepared, doing your research ahead of time for me. That's collaborating with anybody and everybody that is involved with. I loved it. Thank you so much for the opportunity!” - Tonya W.


“I want to say that I absolutely loved this Workshop. It was incredible and what I found was a lot of parallels to what I do as a teacher and how to go into conferences or meetings with administrators or parents or even negotiating with my students. I love what you said about always being prepared, doing your research ahead of time for me. That's collaborating with anybody and everybody that is involved with. I loved it. Thank you so much for the opportunity!” - Tonya W.


“After listening to Michael Franzese’s new course - the Wise Guys guide to getting what you want in life - It left me personally with an impact of something that I never knew existed. And that's just the right words of wisdom and motivation to achieve what I want in life, whether it's for my own self employed business or to just get whatever you desire.” - Eric D.


“After listening to Michael Franzese’s new course - the Wise Guys guide to getting what you want in life - It left me personally with an impact of something that I never knew existed. And that's just the right words of wisdom and motivation to achieve what I want in life, whether it's for my own self employed business or to just get whatever you desire.” - Eric D.


"I have and am continuing to learn a lot about leadership here. Since I took the Team Lead position at work, I have implemented a lot I have learned here and my temper has been cool as a cucumber. Recently, we had to work through some production issues at work and made it through." - Robert S.


"I have and am continuing to learn a lot about leadership here. Since I took the Team Lead position at work, I have implemented a lot I have learned here and my temper has been cool as a cucumber. Recently, we had to work through some production issues at work and made it through." - Robert S.


"It has truly helped me run my businesses more efficiently. Helped me with communication, planning & to be a better family man." - Travis T.


"It has truly helped me run my businesses more efficiently. Helped me with communication, planning & to be a better family man." - Travis


“It’s the ultimate reference for anyone needing to develop this critical life skill with a lifetime of high-stakes negotiation experiences. Michael Franzese’s course on negotiation is an absolute must for anyone who wishes to be successful in negotiations.” - Henri P.


“It’s the ultimate reference for anyone needing to develop this critical life skill with a lifetime of high-stakes negotiation experiences. Michael Franzese’s course on negotiation is an absolute must for anyone who wishes to be successful in negotiations.” - Henri P.



Who Are You And Why Should I Trust You?

I’m a serial entrepreneur, speaker, best-selling author, investor, and business coach.

I’ve been featured in major publications such as Forbes, Business Insider, Fortune, Fox, and many more.

For the past 25 years, I’ve traveled around the world speaking at corporate leadership events, churches & prison ministries, and to professional sports teams. I’ve also launched multiple successful businesses and have helped close deals that have brought in millions of dollars.

If you’d like to find out more, Google my name (Michael Franzese) or check me out on YouTube.

My mission after walking away from my former life is and always has been to spread the word of God, help others transform their life through my testimony, and to mentor others with the knowledge and experiences I’ve been through.

Who Should Use The Wiseguy’s Guide?

Anyone that wants to get their message across to someone else more clearly and those who truly want more out of life.

I struggled a lot to become a top earner and this program teaches everything I’ve learned along the way.

Whether you’re trying to negotiate a deal for a higher percentage, pitch a new business idea to investors, get a salary increase at your job, or convince your wife to have a baby, this program will work for you.

This program is for anyone that wants to become better at negotiating, communicating, understanding others, dealing with high-pressure situations, and to navigate through life more effectively so that nothing is impossible from achieving.

Once you master the frameworks and put them into practice, you’ll be able to personalize it to any situation you find yourself in where your interest is in finding the best outcome for yourself and others….no matter who you are or what you do.

The bonuses are the other key pieces that make this program well-rounded.

How is this different from other negotiation courses?

This is the only course in the world that’s built on real-world skills honed in high-stakes mafia negotiations.

You won’t find this information ANYWHERE else!

PLUS the bonuses that you will have access to make this more about getting what you want by taking control of your life. Truly - a Wiseguy's guide to getting what you want out of life.

It’s Difficult For Me to Make Time to Focus On Many Things, Is This Right For Me?


This program is designed to be consumed in 5-10 minute chunks a day.

It’s meant to be a point of reference for you to always come back to whenever you have a negotiation or high-pressure situation coming up.

Plus, you'll have instant access to the bonuses that are designed to give you the tools to be more effective in all situations.

I Don’t Own a Business and I’m Not Interested In Starting One. Does This Program Work For People Who Aren’t Business Owners?


Everything in life is a negotiation.

This program is designed to help you build a framework for deeply understanding what the other party needs, wants, & desires and how to work with them to achieve an outcome that’s desirable for everyone.

This can be applied to just about anything that requires an exchange of ideas between two or more people.

Once you go through the program, you’ll learn how to develop a framework that can make the system work for you in any situation.

Is There A Guarantee?


Like everything I offer… if you feel like you’re not getting any results by learning new ways to negotiate, handle conflict, and to effectively communicate with others...

Just send my support team an email and we’ll issue a refund right away.

You have 60 days from the date of purchase to make that decision.

I'm not good with technology. Is this complicated to access?

The program is very simple to access. No technology experience required. Once you submit your payment on the following page by using our safe and secure checkout, you will be sent an email with direct access to the program + bonuses.

How Do I Get Started?

Just click the button below and complete the order form on the next page.

Once you’re done, you’ll get an email with your login details to the program and bonuses delivered straight to your inbox!

The program + bonuses are housed inside our private member’s area where you’ll also be able to network with others in the program.


© Copyright 2022 WISEGUY DIGITAL, LLC.

All Rights Reserved.

Disclaimer: This program can help anybody, but it's not for everybody. This website and the items it distributes contain business strategies, marketing methods and other business advice that, regardless of my own results and experience, may not produce the same results (or any results) for you. WISEGUY DIGITAL, LLC. & makes absolutely no guarantee, expressed or implied, that by following the advice or content available from this web site you will make any money or improve current profits, as there are several factors and variables that come into play regarding any given business. Primarily, results will depend on the nature of the product or business model, the conditions of the marketplace, the experience of the individual, and situations and elements that are beyond your control. You may make more, less or no money at all. As with any business endeavor, you assume all risk related to investment and money based on your own discretion and at your own potential expense.

Additionally, This site is not a part of Meta™ (FACEBOOK) and/or Instagram™. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Meta™ in any way.